All Divo Penis products can now be purchased directly at Divocups and Divosuits are tools for the mechanical aspect of penis enlargement. Their main purpose is to maintain gains during and after the enlarging process. The chemical aspects of penis enlargement are discussed in the chemical penis enlargement blog found at
The Divo family of penis products are meant to be tools for modern penis enlargement (available since 2010). Penis enlargement tools of the past are penis vacuum pumps, elastic stretchers, metal extenders and weights, which have proved to be both dangerous and uncomfortable, as well as inefficient. Those mentioned were not used at all in my penis enlargement endeavors, including penis pills.
I am a big supporter of injectable vasodilators and growth elements, and believe that a broad, multifaceted strategy is necessary for a successful, beautiful enlargement. This means using mechanical, topical and injectable interventions.
I am a big supporter of injectable vasodilators and growth elements, and believe that a broad, multifaceted strategy is necessary for a successful, beautiful enlargement. This means using mechanical, topical and injectable interventions.
Join in the Fun of Penis Enlargement With The Divo Product Line!
With the exception of the Divosleeve (microwaveable shaft compression weight, no longer available), the Divo penis products are designed for 24 hour wear. Lightweight and minimal profile, Divo products provide comfortable elongation in any position (standing, sitting or lying down)using all-around compression. Compression sportswear have been proven to be beneficial to athletes, and the principles have been translated to the penis to create the Divosock now called the Spandex Divosuits (custom-cut shaft compression-wear).
The psychology of wearing the Divocup and Divosuit at all times is complex: increased confidence because the penis is never allowed to shrink, to nervousness in public, because we worry that our bulge will show. Unfortunately, penis enlargement causes observers to become crotch-watchers, which can invite unwanted attention. But with proper wardrobe choices (IE. loose pants), we divocuppers can easily hide our secret until we are feeling a little exhibitionist.As confidence builds, we become proud to sport a beautiful, crowd-pleasing bulge or (for those who just don't care what people think!) a visible penis line going down one leg.
Nothing screams "Masculine" like a well-defined penis bulge. And a flat crotch is so politically correct! I firmly believe that unconsciously (or subconsciously), men with nice crotches that show a hidden massive sex-organ get better treatment, or people being kinder and flirtier (is that a word?).
Nothing screams "Masculine" like a well-defined penis bulge. And a flat crotch is so politically correct! I firmly believe that unconsciously (or subconsciously), men with nice crotches that show a hidden massive sex-organ get better treatment, or people being kinder and flirtier (is that a word?).
Growing the penis takes time, so a lifestyle change is often necessary for success (nothing drastic, of course, just dressing a little differently to accommodate a larger penis like loose low crotches). The Divo products are constantly being tested and improved or removed, which is why products are sometimes referred to as prototypes.
The penis come in all shapes and sizes, as well as a full spectrum of foreskin lengths, so not all products will work the same way for all. Fortunately the low price of the products allow a great deal of experimentation, and customer support ( or text message at 514-817-1169) is usually quick should a question/concern arise.
The penis come in all shapes and sizes, as well as a full spectrum of foreskin lengths, so not all products will work the same way for all. Fortunately the low price of the products allow a great deal of experimentation, and customer support ( or text message at 514-817-1169) is usually quick should a question/concern arise.
Thank you and enjoy your visit!
Ronielle Buduhan
Penis Tinkerer
Ronielle Buduhan
Penis Tinkerer
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Divocup Size Selection
There are 5 sizes of cups in each unit. They are not sold separately, with the reasoning that multiiple sizes are needed to fit the ever changing nature of the penis. Sometimes my penis is thick and juicy, sometimes thinner than usual, all in the same day. I have a whole unit of divocups on my bathroom counter, and I select between the sizes depending on the size my dick at the moment.
The size selection is based on statistical data collected on the girth of penises recorded around the world. That way, most men should be able to find their perfect fit in one unit of 5 domes. Also, no measuring of the penis is needed to properly fit. Of the many men I have talked to, most have never measured their dick (which means they probably never will unless it is huge), or those who did measure have overestimated (which is completely useless when selecting the proper fit). Understanding that the measuring aspect of the penis is whole can of worms, I decided to remove that whole idea and make the whole process simpler by providing all sizes in the same kit.
Upon receiving the divocups, clean them first with warm soapy water (to remove any manufacturing residue) and try on the smallest cup. If it looks too small, move up to the the next size until you find one where it may look difficult to get in, but not impossible. A tight fit has the following qualities:
1. All air inside the divocup has been removed. There are several ways to remove the air inside, and I am now supplying a silicone venting tube to assist beginners. If you have slender fingers and dexterity, you may not need the venting tube.
2. When hanging, the divocup does not fall off or even feel loose.
3. May feel slightly uncomfortable at first until you get used to it, but will become very comfortable within a few hours of first time wear.
4. You should not feel any pain at all while wearing it, although if your pants do not allow free movement of your penis some body positions (like bending over) may pinch penis skin at the opening of the divocup.
5. Wearing supportive underwear with the divocup may feel unpleasant and is counter-productive. The divocup should be your new ultra minimalistic underwear.
If you are a complete beginner to penis enlargement, chances are you are not used to handling your penis.
Do you remember the first time you put a ring on your finger, and taking it off? If the ring fit perfectly, it might have been a little challenging to handle removing and putting on the ring with speed. Your finger may also be a little sore because it is not used to the stimulation. This is normal, and applies to other body parts as well, especially the penis.
If you have worn a cockring before, try to remember the first time you wore one. It takes time to get used to wearing it under clothes, but with practice and patience the cockring becomes a very useful tool; for sex, penis enlargement and for under-clothing penis enhancement.
The next step is wearing a divocup. Just as cockrings have several sizes, so do the divocups. It takes a certain technique to put on a divocup, but so does a cockring. It takes time to get used to wearing a divocup, just like wearing... you probably get it by now. The major benefits for wearing a divocup for as long as possible during the day, everyday of your life are penis enlargement, urine collection and protection against desensitizing effects of clothing friction.
Size selection is simple: take the middle sized divocup and try it on. Remember the basic concepts: vent the air in the cup that is trapped between the cup and the penis using your finger, or airline tube or similar tool. Watch the video if you have trouble, it is tricky at first. Get all the air out of the divocup as your penis is inserted (preferably with some lubricant) When you manage to get it on, let it hang. If it stays on firmly, give it a shake and a swing. A properly fitted divocup will stay on, a loose one (or one with air leakage because of too large a size) will fall off. If loose, choose the next smaller size. If too tight (or impossible to put your penis in the cup), choose a size larger and try again.
Personally, my dick fluctuates in size so much that I can use 3 different divocups in a day. Before creating the multiple sizes, there were times where I had to switch between prototypes and use a makeshift gasket system to prevent air leakage. But the gasket system proved unnecessary with the different sizes, as long as you use a tight cup.
Once a tight cup is on, the penis will look a little strange until it adjusts to the device. I recommend wearing loose clothes and wearing it for as long as possible. Do not wear underwear with the divocup, or it will be uncomfortable.
The Divocup is designed to harness gravity to act on the penis itself as well as the blood in the penis. The slight vaccum created at the tip of the dick (as well as gravity) favors the flow of blood towards the divocup. With blood pooling into the divocup, the penis at rest (and hanging) assumes a larger length and thickness. Wearing underwear or pants that interfere with the free hang of the divocupped penis will prevent optimal results, and may cause discomfort.
Cleaning is easy, and should be done frequently as you go to the bathroom to urinate. Warm tap water and soap, clean the interior with your fingers, and rinse well. Residual soap may irritate sensitive pee holes (ureathra), so be sure to rinse well and dry with a square of toilet tissue or other absorbant material.
Please do not worry about buying the proper size. That has all been taken care of. Also, any difficulties putting a cup on I can personally help you via free 15 min webcam consultation, so please don't be shy if you really tried and still can't get it. Once you learn the trick, it is easy.
Thank you everyone for your support! I had a dream last night where all the men in the world had large beautiful penises... I guess that's the concequence for reading Tom of Finland before going to sleep!
Love you all!