The Divo family of penis products are meant to be tools for modern penis enlargement (available since 2010). Penis enlargement tools of the past are penis vacuum pumps, elastic stretchers, metal extenders and weights, which have proved to be both dangerous and uncomfortable, as well as inefficient. Those mentioned were not used at all in my penis enlargement endeavors, including penis pills.

I am a big supporter of injectable vasodilators and growth elements, and believe that a broad, multifaceted strategy is necessary for a successful, beautiful enlargement. This means using mechanical, topical and injectable interventions.

Join in the Fun of Penis Enlargement With The Divo Product Line!

With the exception of the Divosleeve (microwaveable shaft compression weight, no longer available), the Divo penis products are designed for 24 hour wear. Lightweight and minimal profile, Divo products provide comfortable elongation in any position (standing, sitting or lying down)using all-around compression. Compression sportswear have been proven to be beneficial to athletes, and the principles have been translated to the penis to create the Divosock now called the Spandex Divosuits (custom-cut shaft compression-wear).

The psychology of wearing the Divocup and Divosuit at all times is complex: increased confidence because the penis is never allowed to shrink, to nervousness in public, because we worry that our bulge will show. Unfortunately, penis enlargement causes observers to become crotch-watchers, which can invite unwanted attention. But with proper wardrobe choices (IE. loose pants), we divocuppers can easily hide our secret until we are feeling a little exhibitionist.As confidence builds, we become proud to sport a beautiful, crowd-pleasing bulge or (for those who just don't care what people think!) a visible penis line going down one leg.

Nothing screams "Masculine" like a well-defined penis bulge. And a flat crotch is so politically correct! I firmly believe that unconsciously (or subconsciously), men with nice crotches that show a hidden massive sex-organ get better treatment, or people being kinder and flirtier (is that a word?).

Growing the penis takes time, so a lifestyle change is often necessary for success (nothing drastic, of course, just dressing a little differently to accommodate a larger penis like loose low crotches). The Divo products are constantly being tested and improved or removed, which is why products are sometimes referred to as prototypes.

The penis come in all shapes and sizes, as well as a full spectrum of foreskin lengths, so not all products will work the same way for all. Fortunately the low price of the products allow a great deal of experimentation, and customer support ( or text message at 514-817-1169) is usually quick should a question/concern arise.

Thank you and enjoy your visit!


Ronielle Buduhan
Penis Tinkerer

Friday, May 31, 2019

New Profile

Working on my new profile on which allows me to create content with 3 different subscription options. The reason is because I have a ton of valuable information, but really want to be sure only the right people will get it.

Because my personal research takes time, energy and money to continue, I am exploring on having support from my dear fans who, through a monthly subscription, will allow me to concentrate on making more content and videos.

Beyond doing webcam consultations at $150/h, a monthly subscription that has access to the Gold đŸ„‡ tier is only $30/month, which gives you access to me answering questions and creating content based on what you want concerning chemical penis enlargement. This will replace my chemical penis enlargement blog, which is still free but with limited information. Gold subscriptions give access to silver đŸ„ˆ and bronze đŸ„‰ tiers, too, described below.

Not into chemical penis enlargement? The Silver đŸ„ˆ tier $20/month gives you access to my adult content where I can show you all that I know based on my (gulp) 20 years experience as a gay escort. I will go over my personal sex life with anecdotes, and of course be responsive to reasonable requests from subscribers. My intension is to post only what you want. This will replace my escorting blog, and contains full nudity and not suitable for public viewing (or turn on mute and hide the screen). Silver đŸ„ˆ tier includes the following Bronze đŸ„‰tier, but not the Gold (penis enlargement content) tier.

Cutting edge science and finding daily applications to optimizing a long, high quality lifestyle is what I share in the Bronze đŸ„‰ tier, at $10/month. There is no frontal nudity in this tier, and it will be safe to view in public. My goal here is for sharing tips that I use myself that may help you make informed decisions about your everyday choices. I have a lot of nerdy references that can be looked up for further discussion. Longevity and anti-aging science is important for a metrosexual lifestyle, and I share my daily experiences with subscribers who are curious about what gives positive results.

If you have found any of my past content online to be useful, and you want me to continue making more stuff on the things you love, please visit my new website and take a look around. I would be thrilled to make content for my supporters, and each one of you is important to me.

See you there!

Love Ronielle

posted from Bloggeroid

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Times of Change

Dear Readers,

It's been a few years since I started offering the Divocup and divosuits to the general public. I have been quite happy with the response from the penis enlargement community, and my many loyal customers who have supported me in this endeavour. When I started out, I never thought of my hobby turning into a real business. And now I am a crossroads as my inventory has been mostly depleted and my time is diverted into new projects. (I am currently experimenting with the use of off-the shelf nanotechnology on penis enlargement and size maintenance, as one new focus).

In short, the products can no longer be ordered from this blog. All the paypal buttons have now been deactivated, and orders placed within the past few months have and will be fully refunded. But all is not lost, as I am setting up an email newsletter that will be the evolution of my work here. In the next few posts, I will present you with opportunities to sign-up for my newsletter, where  updates and promotions will be emailed to your inbox directly. This helps me to communicate to you regardless of what happens to my websites.

New sizing system for divosuits are being worked on to accommodate the needs of more users. By using actual measurements in millimeters for divosuit widths instead of using the previous sizes, buyers can get better and more comfortable fits.

New distribution system is in the works to get the products to you faster by selling the products on Amazon. The products may undergo a name change and a more discreet description page to be able to be sold on Amazon, and direct links to the products will be available exclusively by email newsletter. The reason for using Amazon is to reduce my need to ship each order myself, as I quickly become backlogged when I travel and work on other projects. So hopefully the whole shipping process will be faster and with less disruptions.

That's all for now, please bear with me as I go through these changes.

Thank you for reading!

Ronielle out