The Divo family of penis products are meant to be tools for modern penis enlargement (available since 2010). Penis enlargement tools of the past are penis vacuum pumps, elastic stretchers, metal extenders and weights, which have proved to be both dangerous and uncomfortable, as well as inefficient. Those mentioned were not used at all in my penis enlargement endeavors, including penis pills.

I am a big supporter of injectable vasodilators and growth elements, and believe that a broad, multifaceted strategy is necessary for a successful, beautiful enlargement. This means using mechanical, topical and injectable interventions.

Join in the Fun of Penis Enlargement With The Divo Product Line!

With the exception of the Divosleeve (microwaveable shaft compression weight, no longer available), the Divo penis products are designed for 24 hour wear. Lightweight and minimal profile, Divo products provide comfortable elongation in any position (standing, sitting or lying down)using all-around compression. Compression sportswear have been proven to be beneficial to athletes, and the principles have been translated to the penis to create the Divosock now called the Spandex Divosuits (custom-cut shaft compression-wear).

The psychology of wearing the Divocup and Divosuit at all times is complex: increased confidence because the penis is never allowed to shrink, to nervousness in public, because we worry that our bulge will show. Unfortunately, penis enlargement causes observers to become crotch-watchers, which can invite unwanted attention. But with proper wardrobe choices (IE. loose pants), we divocuppers can easily hide our secret until we are feeling a little exhibitionist.As confidence builds, we become proud to sport a beautiful, crowd-pleasing bulge or (for those who just don't care what people think!) a visible penis line going down one leg.

Nothing screams "Masculine" like a well-defined penis bulge. And a flat crotch is so politically correct! I firmly believe that unconsciously (or subconsciously), men with nice crotches that show a hidden massive sex-organ get better treatment, or people being kinder and flirtier (is that a word?).

Growing the penis takes time, so a lifestyle change is often necessary for success (nothing drastic, of course, just dressing a little differently to accommodate a larger penis like loose low crotches). The Divo products are constantly being tested and improved or removed, which is why products are sometimes referred to as prototypes.

The penis come in all shapes and sizes, as well as a full spectrum of foreskin lengths, so not all products will work the same way for all. Fortunately the low price of the products allow a great deal of experimentation, and customer support ( or text message at 514-817-1169) is usually quick should a question/concern arise.

Thank you and enjoy your visit!


Ronielle Buduhan
Penis Tinkerer

Monday, November 29, 2010

Another Review Just In... Jamie From Vancouver

This is a review from a fellow chemical penis enlargement enthusiast from Vancouver BC, who also bought my divocup to aid in his pursuit. Having difficulty with paypal, he opted for sending payment by Western Union, which worked out just great for the both of us. Here are his pictures and his testimony:

"I have spent a day wearing my Divo cup and in that time i am very pleased with the product !!!!   penis enlargement happens by combining several methods together you need all these methods to achieve the penis you want and having a stretcher is very important to hold your place after you have done your exercises  you build it and the Divo cup doesn't let your body take it back , I have used many different types of penis stretchers  they all hurt and are uncomfortable to wear and can also do damage to your penis bye over stretching and are honestly painful  , they also apply to much tension the Divo cup does not hurt keeps my penis pulled forward and will not let it retract in my body, it also did not fall off once all day and I was running around all over the city, this stretching device will be revolutionary to the SERIOUS penis enlargement enthusiast as well as men hoping for just a more plump long penis the Divo cup also is very warm and keeps heat and blood on your knob and penis which is essential,  I also now do not like to take it off as it feels weird with out it the sign of a awesome product, my life would not be the same with out it !!  so thank you I know its a bit of a budget stretch to purchase but you only have one penis and you will only have to bye this product once   Jamie Vancouver B.C"

Thanks Jamie for your review! I really appreciate you taking the time to write it and take pics! Great job!

Selling divocups is a new hobby for me, and when guys show me their dicks in them, a certain connection is felt. Perhaps my own dick knows that somewhere, out there in the world, cocks are wearing the same thing all day. It is like a brotherhood of sorts. In a few years we will look back and say,"what a difference! Even after all that growth I still don't want to stop wearing it!" At least, that is what I say after 2 and a half years. I feel weird not wearing one, too!

Keep in touch guys!


Sunday, November 28, 2010

More Guys Wearing The Divocup

Men in Australia are in the lead for getting back to me with pics, and also for posting their divocup-wearing photos on their online profiles on , a popular site where guys show themselves nude for all the world to see! With his permission, here is his pic.

His profile is LUL on Wim states "I didn't even know that i was wearing one until I took a picture..." ha ha! I guess he doesn't feel a thing, which is quite different from other penis stretching devices which either use a noose-type attachment or too much stretch, which can cause discomfort.

Looking good, Wim! And thank you again for letting me post your pic. Seeing my domes on other penises gives me a feeling of accomplishment and validation; the whole trouble of inventing something for myself, then blogging about it; the whole process of getting it manufactured and distributed to fellow penis enlargement enthusiasts; then finally pictures to show for it. These pics just plain make me happy to see.

To all divocup wearers: if you read this, please send me a pic and a testimonial. I would help me a lot!

Keep in touch my friends!


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Review from Australia on the Divocup

I am so happy that he likes it! As more divocups are shipped each day, nothing pleases me more than seeing pictures and hearing happy reviews. Thanks to everyone who is now wearing them, your support is very much appreciated!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Reviews Are Looking Good!

I am smiling because new wearers love their divocups. When guys take the time to tell me this, nothing warms my heart more. This device was never intended for sale until I started blogging about it, and many readers started asking for it. It is out now to the world, and feedback is trickling in. I hope that a year from now these same people will report visible gains in penis size, and a few pictures to be proud of.

My montreal tester are now proudly displaying their dicks to me, saying how even the thickness has increased. Each one has a different way of putting them on, some with baby oil or no lubricant at all, with the venting tube or just a finger; but one things is common: it feels good to wear it all day.

A new tester didn't want to take it off because the weight was very pleasing and as he walked; it bounced from thigh to thigh. He never had his dick feel this way before, and the psychological effect it had as his awareness shifted towards the growing shaft was very positive. And all this was within a span of an hour of wearing it in my presence.  He went home with it and I should get feedback in a month or so.

With several hundred units at home and more on their way, I have decided to plan a bigger testing phase to residents of Montreal. A much larger sample of the population is expected, with lots of data to accumulate. Testers will be expected to be interviewed, and personal statistics will be recorded. A set of divocups will be provided and photos will be taken. Please let me know if you are interested in being part of this test group.

Thank you everyone for your support!

Friday, October 29, 2010

How Does a Penis Cup Work?

This is my theory on why the Divocups enlarge the penis:

As a lifestyle change, the penis is allowed to hang down naturally. With the head of the dick at the lowest point of the shaft, any blood that enters the penis through normal circulation must combat gravity to escape into the body. Our legs help blood circulation return to the heart by muscular contractions when we walk and move about. The penis does not have muscles that flex rhythmically, but instead have muscles that retract the shaft and balls closer into the body. Enter the divocups.

The divocup is hollow, and air is evacuated as a lubricated penis is forced inside the cup. The venting method is removed, and a vacuum keeps the penis in contact with the inside of the cup. This vacuum prevents the natural shrinkage of the penis head, and external pressure causes blood to accumulate at the tip, which is also along the flow of gravity. Without support from underwear, the penis hangs down with the combined weight of the divocup, and the increased amount of blood drawn into the penis by gravity and the vacuum effect. The force opposing the penile mass is the suspensory ligament, which can still force the penis into the body regardless of the weight of the shaft. But in a relaxed state, the penis continues to hang lower than normal with the divocup, and with daily wear the penis is reconstructed to accomodate the increased amount of blood by creating new blood vessels. New growth is encouraged because blood circulation is not constricted, and the force of gravity of a freely hanging penis increases as the penis gets heavier. Since blood vessels grow faster than ligaments, the shaft mass eventually overwhelms the suspensory ligament and the penis does not retract into the body so easily.

It is a well known fact that penises shrink as a man gets older past andropause, or the natural decline of testosterone and growth hormone. The divocup was tested on a man in his mid-50's for the entire summer, and with daily all-day wear his penis stopped its gradual shrinkage and was reverting to its younger, more fuller state. Its added benefit for men is that drops of liquid that normally leak out of the penis are collected in the cup to be washed out when it is removed for bathroom breaks. This sense of leakage security becomes more evident the longer the wearer uses it.

Circumsized or not, the divocups fit. However, the device has not been tested by those with phimosis, which is an uncircumsized penis condition where the foreskin is so tight that the head of the penis cannot be exposed without pain or bleeding. But I think that the divocup could still be worn over the foreskin, as long as all the air is vented out.

Those with forskin can experiment with different wearing methods. The cup can be placed on the exposed glans, and the foreskin is allowed to cover the divocup. This in theory will allow the shaft to grow without stretching the foreskin. Foreskin growing enthusiasts may stuff their skin into a tighter cup , but more experimentation is recommended.

Circumsized men will find the head of the penis protected against friction. This causes desensitization. As a man who had an adult circumcision, this desensitization was quite noticable. Purely by accident, and not fully understanding how, the divocup resensitized my dick. I suspect that friction is reduced, and the increase blood flow to the tip of the penis by gravity and vacuum may help re-populate the glans with functioning nerve endings. But this is speculation, as a biopsy would be needed before and after the experiment to confirm one case. Who would volunteer for that? Not me.

That's it in a nutshell. Sorry for repeating myself again with this info, but it is still the most common question I get regarding the divocups. And I am glad to help.

Gonna divocup right now and get ready for tonight on the town!

Have a spooky halloween weekend!


Monday, October 25, 2010

International Shipping Experience

One week has gone by and I am truly amazed on the worldwide shipping the divocups will be travelling. Japan, Australia, Ireland, Brazil, Norway, USA, and Canada so far. Last week's purchasers should be getting their cups starting today. The path that took me from penis enlargement to the divocups is advancing further, into the homes of the future divocup wearer. These new wearers are avant garde, ahead of their time by switching to the next trend in men's fashion underwear: the extreme minimal look. So crazy, simple, and effective. My dream is to have a photoshoot with a group of male models who are all wearing divocups. Why not? Ok, one step at a time!

Each divocup shipped makes me feel like a parent, sending out little eggs carrying domes to nurse on penises all over the world all day long for the life of the wearer. In exchange, the wearer has cleaner clothes (no penis drips), extends the penis all day, plus protects the head from clothes friction. A symbiotic relationship between man and cup, and one by one men are putting them on and acting as if part of a big-dicked secret society. Maybe it's true.

From blogger to manufacturer to shipper, the amount of questions regarding the divocup has guided me here, and I anticipate even more questions as more and more penis cups arrive to their destinations. My life has truly changed since I first made the commitment to grow my dick. Although I was not small to begin with, I realized that starting size was irrelevant as all men secretly wished to have an impressive penis, especially for other men to notice. I have communicated with guys who are very well hung who wanted to be bigger. The most resistance I have encountered with the penis enlargement component of the divocup are from guys who are small. Puzzled about this fact, I continue to analyze the situation. My memory carries me to the early days of viagra, where impotent men would refuse taking an erection pills because they insist that nothing is wrong. Could there be a common thread weaving through these two patterns? 

These are exciting times for me, as this whole experience helping to bring the enlargement experiment to the masses. Current challenges are to dispel the myth that penis enlargement is impossible. Unfortunately with so many pills, lotions and devices that do not work on the market, I am hoping that being a spokesman for my own items can lend me some credibility. After all, I'm just another guy who is fed up with wasting money on penis enlargement. Plus the proof is in the pudding.

Catch you later!




Sunday, October 17, 2010

Divocup Size Selection

There are 5 sizes of cups in each unit. They are not sold separately, with the reasoning that multiiple sizes are needed to fit the ever changing nature of the penis. Sometimes my penis is thick and juicy, sometimes thinner than usual, all in the same day. I have a whole unit of divocups on my bathroom counter, and I select between the sizes depending on the size my dick at the moment.

The size selection is based on statistical data collected on the girth of penises recorded around the world. That way, most men should be able to find their perfect fit in one unit of 5 domes. Also, no measuring of the penis is needed to properly fit. Of the many men I have talked to, most have never measured their dick (which means they probably never will unless it is huge), or those who did measure have overestimated (which is completely useless when selecting the proper fit). Understanding that the measuring aspect of the penis is whole can of worms, I decided to remove that whole idea and make the whole process simpler by providing all sizes in the same kit.

Upon receiving the divocups, clean them first with warm soapy water (to remove any manufacturing residue) and try on the smallest cup. If it looks too small, move up to the the next size until you find one where it may look difficult to get in, but not impossible. A tight fit has the following qualities:

1. All air inside the divocup has been removed. There are several ways to remove the air inside, and I am now supplying a silicone venting tube to assist beginners. If you have slender fingers and dexterity, you may not need the venting tube.

2. When hanging, the divocup does not fall off or even feel loose.

3. May feel slightly uncomfortable at first until you get used to it, but will become very comfortable within a few hours of first time wear.

4. You should not feel any pain at all while wearing it, although if your pants do not allow free movement of your penis some body positions (like bending over) may pinch penis skin at the opening of the divocup.

5. Wearing supportive underwear with the divocup may feel unpleasant and is counter-productive. The divocup should be your new ultra minimalistic underwear.

If you are a complete beginner to penis enlargement, chances are you are not used to handling your penis.


Do you remember the first time you put a ring on your finger, and taking it off? If the ring fit perfectly, it might have been a little challenging to handle removing and putting on the ring with speed. Your finger may also be a little sore because it is not used to the stimulation. This is normal, and applies to other body parts as well, especially the penis.

If you have worn a cockring before, try to remember the first time you wore one. It takes time to get used to wearing it under clothes, but with practice and patience the cockring becomes a very useful tool; for sex, penis enlargement and for under-clothing penis enhancement. 

The next step is wearing a divocup. Just as cockrings have several sizes, so do the divocups. It takes a certain technique to put on a divocup, but so does a cockring. It takes time to get used to wearing a divocup, just like wearing... you probably get it by now. The major benefits for wearing a divocup for as long as possible during the day, everyday of your life are penis enlargement, urine collection and protection against desensitizing effects of clothing friction.

Size selection is simple: take the middle sized divocup and try it on. Remember the basic concepts: vent the air in the cup that is trapped between the cup and the penis using your finger, or airline tube or similar tool. Watch the video if you have trouble, it is tricky at first. Get all the air out of the divocup as your penis is inserted (preferably with some lubricant) When you manage to get it on, let it hang. If it stays on firmly, give it a shake and a swing. A properly fitted divocup will stay on, a loose one (or one with air leakage because of too large a size) will fall off. If loose, choose the next smaller size. If too tight (or impossible to put your penis in the cup), choose a size larger and try again.

Personally, my dick fluctuates in size so much that I can use 3 different divocups in a day. Before creating the multiple sizes, there were times where I had to switch between prototypes and use a makeshift gasket system to prevent air leakage. But the gasket system proved unnecessary with the different sizes, as long as you use a tight cup.

Once a tight cup is on, the penis will look a little strange until it adjusts to the device. I recommend wearing loose clothes and wearing it for as long as possible. Do not wear underwear with the divocup, or it will be uncomfortable.

The Divocup is designed to harness gravity to act on the penis itself as well as the blood in the penis. The slight vaccum created at the tip of the dick (as well as gravity) favors the flow of blood towards the divocup. With blood pooling into the divocup, the penis at rest (and hanging) assumes a larger length and thickness. Wearing underwear or pants that interfere with the free hang of the divocupped penis will prevent optimal results, and may cause discomfort.

Cleaning is easy, and should be done frequently as you go to the bathroom to urinate. Warm tap water and soap, clean the interior with your fingers, and rinse well. Residual soap may irritate sensitive pee holes (ureathra), so be sure to rinse well and dry with a square of toilet tissue or other absorbant material.

Please do not worry about buying the proper size. That has all been taken care of. Also, any difficulties putting a cup on I can personally help you via free 15 min webcam consultation, so please don't be shy if you really tried and still can't get it. Once you learn the trick, it is easy.

Thank you everyone for your support! I had a dream last night where all the men in the world had large beautiful penises... I guess that's the concequence for reading Tom of Finland before going to sleep!

Love you all!


Friday, October 15, 2010

The Divocups Are Finally Here!

Yay! It is now available to everyone!

If you look for a 'Buy Now' button, it automatically brings you to a paypal checkout page. The address on your paypal account is where I will ship your new set of Divocups. The cost is only $100 Canadian, and for the time being, shipping is free. I will also include a personal 15 minute session by webcam if you are experiencing difficulty putting one on, to make sure you choose the right size as well.

This promotion is on until Nov 15, 2010. Please note that I will be shipping discreetly, and the only information shipped with the Divocups is the receipt (a gift receipt without price, although due to the personal nature of the product, not refunds allowed, sorry!), with my contact information (but not the nature of my business), and your contact information. This way if anyone asks, they are dust-covers for minatures (or something of the sort!)

I want to thank you in advance for your support, and I hope to be hanging off your penis someday soon!

Lots of love!


Thursday, October 14, 2010

DHL Express Delivery Problem

If you have been following my twitter and facebook updates, the divocup deliveries from the manufacturer is being held up for unknown reasons. They were supposed to be delivered on tuesday this week, and yesterday, and today (thursday), but each time I called they could not identify the problem. So my schedule is quite a mess, and I have to reschedule some escorting clients to avoid accepting deliveries during a session (which is very inconvenient for everyone involved).

Imagine rushing to open the door, lubricant everywhere, boner badly hidden in a thrown-on bathrobe, a waiting client in the bedroom, papers to sign, and returning to session where we have to get  back in the mood. It happened enough times that rescheduling clients is preferable to accepting deliveries during a session.

But the divocups are my babies: years of testing, designing, working to get them here... im like an impatient father awaiting delivery. But receiving the first 600 units is just a step, the next challenge is to get them to the future users as soon as possible.  This is a challenge I am prepared to accept, as part of my own professional evolution. I am so ready for it!

I really can't wait for the units to arrive!

Once they are ready, please come back to this site and look for a "Buy one Now" paypal button. Hopefully it wll be up very, very soon!

Until next time my friends!,


Friday, October 8, 2010

Divo Cups Arriving Soon!

My manufacturer has informed me that the first delivery of domes are en route to me, and should arrive within a week. My unknown factor is border clearance, so they could take a little bit longer than expected. I will only put them on for sale once they are in my possesion, and intend to sell at a promotional price of $100 canadian with free shipping for the first month of sale for my existing penis enlargement cosultation clients. All other customers pay $120 canadian with free shipping for the first month.

I will keep you posted and new developments, and please feel free to stay in touch via facebook (search for Ronielle Buduham) and twitter (RonielleMTL)

Lots of love to you all!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mass Production Started

Today I approved mass production of the Divo cup. As I am nearing the end of research and development second phase, which is testing the actual consumer product (as opposed to testing prototypes), I need more testing done with more people, preferably by the chemical penis enlargement community, especially my consultation clients. My clients are already in communication with me, so the required feedback by serious enthusiasts is much more easier to get than from a total stranger. Also, the divo cup is a key technology that I used for my enlargement, something I know my clients need to maximize growth efficiency. More details on all~day stretching devices can be found by google search, but basically the divo cup is allowed to hang unrestricted by pants and underwear on the penis tip, so blood can pool and hang lower from its increased weight, and protect the glans from friction that is known for its desensitization effects.

If the divo cup is worn with underwear that prevents it from moving freely and hang unsupported, it will be uncomfortable, may fall off, and the enlargeing effect is minimized. Those who are not willing to go commando won't earn a bazooka! -_-

Minor changes to pants may be in order. When buying new pants, shop while wearing your divo cup. I had to buy pants a few sizes bigger and then I tailored the waist to fit. The worn divo cup should not go down and stay in either pant leg, or movement during the day will loosen it up and it may fall.

The divo cup unit comprises of 5 different sizes, taken from statistical data collected on penis sizes around the world. You (the buyer) should take full advantage of trying on each size until you find one that fits the following criteria:

-glans penis touches the inside of divocup, with no air bubbles

-stays on during the day under clothes

-easy to take on and off during rest room breaks

-comfortable to wear (no pain during use)

The divo cup is designed to be worn from morning 'til night, NOT during priapisms or sex, although those areas have not been fully explored.

The materiel used is PET plastic, which according to my research is the safest plastic to use outside the body, and is the same plastic used for bottled drinking water. (It is also recycleable where such facilities exist). My initial prototype is PET plastic, and is safe as can be considering 2 years of daily use.

A silicone gasket system is in the works, and is designed to work with each divo cup. It is intended to be sold seperately or bundled with the divo cup unit when available. An industrial mold is currently being made for the 2nd prototyping phase, as the 1st generation gaskets needed revision. The new design should be ultra comfortable, and prevents air leaking into a worn divo cup. More detailed info as this develops in the coming months.

Major apologies to those expecting to purchase a divo cup set this month. The past timeline was much too optimistic, but the end is finally in sight. Minor revisions in the manufacuring process was needed to make sure the product will meet my demands. Thank you so much for understanding.

Please stay in touch via facebook (search for Ronielle Buduhan) and twitter (RonielleMTL). And thanks for reading!

Ronielle, end transmission.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Industrial Moulds Finally Finished

Just received photos of the moulds, test gaskets and the assembled Divo Cup. It is amazing how something I designed on google sketchup (a program used in 3D design) is now a photo, and soon to be in my hands. This is like my baby!

After many delays and mould tests, I await the final product to test and approve for production, and to take some much needed photos and videos for my new divo cup website. It is at this time I would like to see guys in the Montréal area to test fit,  but not to give away just yet.

This is a very exciting time for me, and there is a lot of work left to be done. So perhaps this small delay is for the best, but I really did have my hopes up with the best case scenario delivery time of end of august. Probably to many of you guys as well.

The wheel is still rolling, slowly but surely. I will keep you updated. I am told that manufacturing is quick, on the scale of days, but the delivery is long as air shipping from china is so expensive (they will be shipped by boat). Estimated delivery is end of august, if the final sample meets my approval.

There are so many of you writing to me about the divo cup, it really makes me happy. All those times thinking I'm weird for attaching a cup to my dick, I guess that since so many people want one, I will no longer be the only one wearing a divo cup by the end of this year.

Thanks goes out to all of you for supporting me with kind words. This project would not have gotten far without your continuous feedback. If it becomes popular enough, legions of men will be hung in the future. Just that though is enough to feed my wildest dreams! Like I once heard, "There are 2 types of gays, sizequeens and liars"

I have a modification to that," there are 2 types of guys in the world; those who want a bigger dick, and liars". Ha!

For guys out there who are veterans of pe, and are successful in their enlargement, please get in touch with me. Ideas of a support group are floating in my head.

I hope to return with good news in the near future!

Metta to all! 

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Minor Delays and Tester's 7 day Results

The manufacturer has reported a 3 day delay in the completion of the moulds of the divo cup, but that should not seriously effect the delivery date of the end of August.

Tester has reported a visible soft lengthening after 7 days of use of the divo cup, which further encourages wearing at all times. He wore his on average of 8 hours per day, and has complained only of slight pinching when bending over, which I commented that it happens when the divo cup is not allowed to hang freely down (he was wearing shorts and the divo cup was going down one pant leg instead of hanging in the center). It took me a while to figure that out!

I used to get pinched all the time by the divo cup. But as I started to wear looser pants, the free hang produced better results in flaccid length, less discomfort, and and overall comfort. Now it would be nice to find clothes made specially with a tight waist and a long inseam! But for now, 2 sizes bigger plus some minor tailoring does the trick.

Thanks for all the new facebook friend requests. It is really fun to know that I'm a part of the penis enlargement community. Unfortunately the field is full of worthless gimmicks and such, with no proof. We rarely hear of the person who wore an extender and gained 2 inches, with pictures of his final size. But that is the way in the industry, and that reputation is what I am up against. What can I do to improve my chances?

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dome moulds to be Finished this Week!

The production of the divo cup is well underway. The first batch will be sent to me probably next week, and if I accept the finished product mass production will begin late july. The finished product should be here before September.

2 testers have found the divo cup easy to wear, and easy to remove for cleaning. Full time use will have to wait until the sample of silicone gaskets arrive for approval, which should be sometime late next week.

Part of the mould for the domes are finished, and I'm awaiting news for the first run production. Finished products could be here soon for testing, and public availability before september.

I am away to be the Master of ceremonies in early september, but if the divo cups are ready for shipping then I will ship them from where I am.  Please look for announcements on

Working hard on the packaging leaflets for the domes. My goal for this month is to get the new website for divo cup distribution up and running. Wish me luck!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Prototype Received!

My manufacturer has sent me my prototype, which contains 5 Divo cups of various sizes plus a lid. This summer is when the first batch of domes will be available to the general public. All those who are interested in being put on a mailing list to be notified on the exact date, please let me know.

Thank you to all who have written to me about it! It is your voice that has pushed me this far to mass produce the Divo cup. I am really proud of the new design, and I hope you like it too!

Next big step is looking for a manufacturer for customized silicon cockrings, which I have decided would be included with the divodomes. Wish me luck.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Prototypes En Route

Progress is made on delivering the now called DivoDomes to the public. There are 5 different sizes, and each unit will contain all sizes so you can make sure you have the perfect fit for any occasion. But I do need to test the fit on different guys, so I am looking for volunteers in Montreal to get fitted by yours truly. Anyone interested?

Now, these units are designed for life-long use, and progression through the sizes are expected. The size of the Divodome in my pictures is the 4th largest size, in case you were wondering. A silicone cockring is used to seal the vacuum between the dome and the penis for a secure fit.

The domes are unmarked for now, and its function is not apparent. So travelling or having it displayed is very discreet since they look innocent enough. Packaging will be kept to a minimum as I am trying to reduce waste products, and to reduce recycling loads.

Please keep in mind that my enlargement process includes chemical injections, so users of the DivoDome may not have the same results as I do. And due to individual response, results may vary.

I just enjoy wearing it all the time! 

Friday, May 28, 2010

New Name Search For the Divocup

To avoid complications, a new name for the divocup is in order. I love the name divocup, but to trademark a name it should be more than 1 letter different than another trademark.


Diva Cup

Too similar for my taste, and rather lacking in imagination on my part to copy a name. I open the blog readers to look at the pictures and make up a name, and send your suggestions to me. But I have a few already being pondered, and the new name will be a surprize!

While the initial experience in dealing with a chinese manufacturer is less than good, I have decided to work instead with a local business. Communication breakdown is the biggest problem with the chinese manufacturer, and also the fact that they kept on asking for more money all the time because they misquoted me initially. No, this is too risky for me and I rather deal with someone face to face with my designs.

I had to learn how to draw in 3D this week to spot errors in design. So I am finding that product design is actually a lot more work than I imagined! But it is a good work for me, since I have had previous engineering training in university.

So to end this entry, with rapid prototyping my initial costs will be less, and the device may well be available by this summer, if all goes well!

Wish me luck!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Informal Penis Survey

As an escort, penises are my job. I see lots of them, hard and soft, and love it. My next project is making a divo cup with a 1" diameter, which I think is what many guys would fit into when soft. I will document it and offer it as a download for those who can't wait for the massed produced version, saving lots of money in the process. Stay tuned!

Many guys are fearful of taking pictures of their dicks. Their don't like it on picture or some other complaint, but the fact is this: I wished that I took more shots of mine so I can compare it better to what it looks like now. Wearing the divo cup really makes me more penis proud, and I actually like seeing it on in the mirror. The thickness and flaccid length is accentuated after a few hours of wearing it, especially in warm weather where it hangs the lowest.

Take cock pics is the moral of this post. You can document it like it really is, and no one else has to see them.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Manufacturer's Hunt Continues

Having spoken to a local plastics manufacturer who seems not very interested in returning communications, i am now pursuing a manufacturer in China. I am hoping to have the Divo Cup available to the general public by this July, but there are no promises.

But in the mean time, i would like to know how many people would like to build their own if they had the plans to make them. If the response is high enough then i will create a document for instant download so you can bypass the wait and get the stuff to make your own.

News on wearing the Divo Cup: now, to those who have been following me for some time know that I got a circumcision 7 years ago at age 25. The reason was because my foreskin was very long, and keeping condoms on was difficult for the most part. Since safe sex is my job, and because of the health benefits of staying cleaner and reducing the surface area which can harbor microorganisms on my penis (ever wonder why women keep getting yeast infections? Men keep re-infecting them), I decided to get the cut.

Now I was going from full coverage to constant exposure. I felt my glans become desensitized over the months post-surgery, since the head was no longer protected. Chemical penis enlargement made my shaft grow faster than the nerves can keep up, and I had a few months of numbness on the tip until (I believe) the nerves grew to resensitize the mushroom cap. Sensitivity did return, but never to pre-circumcision levels. However, wearing the divo cup for almost a year has restored sensitivity dramatically.

Acting like a smooth clear case, nerves are well nourished by blood since the light suction helps increase circulation, unlike devices which use a noose-type constriction. The silicone cock rings are not tight enough to squeeze, only enough to prevent air from leaking into the cup while it is hanging of the penis.

No friction is on the glans at all except for sexual activity, and it is noticeable.

So for those who feel like increasing their head sensitivity perhaps protecting it from friction can help. You may have success wearing a well fitting condom during the day, which is what i used to do before I started using the divo cup. The latex doesn't last many removing and reusing cycles though.

Penises with too much sensitivity can slowly desensitize by not wearing underwear. A cock ring around the scrotum can help keep the foreskin up if needed (it is tricky with foreskin, but it can be done).

I hope that the manufacturer in China works out! Then in the very close future many guys around the world will show me pictures of them wearing the divo cup... a happy sight indeed!

Location : 533-619 Avenue Duluth Est, Montreal, QC H2L 1A9,

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pictures of The Divo Cup

Here are a few pics of the Divo Cup in my hand. Crystal clear unbreakable food grade plastic, easy to sanitize, this is easy to wear since there is no noose-type constriction of blood vessels and stays on using a very light vacuum seal. In future posts I will show you how I put it on. For the moment, there is only one size that I can make it, so others may need to add silicone cock ring seals to ensure an airtight seal. Since this is a prototype that I am using on myself, I cannot guarantee that it will fit well on other penises. There are ways of adapting the opening for smaller penises, so experimentation is the only way to find out if the Divo Cup will work for you.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Welcome to My Extreme Minimalist Underwear Blog!

I am very excited to share with you a piece of technology I needed to ensure I keep all my gains from chemical penis enlargement. It is a cup made exclusively for wearing on the tip on the penis called a Divo Cup. It is held in place by a vacuum seal left after evacuating the air from the cup as the lubricated penis is inserted completely. It is crystal clear plastic so you can properly position your penis inside the cup. It is worn 24 hours a day, removed only to clean, to urinate, and to have sex. The Divo Cup is not currently available in stores, and could be made to order.

Here is why you would wear one:

-to catch urine dribbles at the tip of the penis (No more embarrassing stains!)

-to reduce penis desensitization by cupping the head, protecting from friction against clothing (Glans Helmet feature!)

-to keep the penis extended away from the body to encourage gains from chemical penis enlargement experiments. (A major part of the program)

I wear mine like it's underwear. Being nude is great, but wearing a Divo Cup is better. It makes my dick bigger by keeping it hanging down the way nature intended, and improves the sensitivity during sexual activities. And last but not least, it catches embarrassing pee dribbles that happens to every man, whether they admit to it or not.

The Divo Cup is very comfortable to use, but I admit that it can be tricky getting used to it at first. To put it on requires a method of venting air out of the Divo Cup while the lubricated penis is inserted. Once it is all in, the venting device is removed and a suction is formed, keeping the Divo Cup from falling off the penis. That's it!

My next post will be pictures of the Divo Cup. Please contact me if you are interested in knowing more.

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