Dear Readers,
It's been a few years since I started offering the Divocup and divosuits to the general public. I have been quite happy with the response from the penis enlargement community, and my many loyal customers who have supported me in this endeavour. When I started out, I never thought of my hobby turning into a real business. And now I am a crossroads as my inventory has been mostly depleted and my time is diverted into new projects. (I am currently experimenting with the use of off-the shelf nanotechnology on penis enlargement and size maintenance, as one new focus).
In short, the products can no longer be ordered from this blog. All the paypal buttons have now been deactivated, and orders placed within the past few months have and will be fully refunded. But all is not lost, as I am setting up an email newsletter that will be the evolution of my work here. In the next few posts, I will present you with opportunities to sign-up for my newsletter, where updates and promotions will be emailed to your inbox directly. This helps me to communicate to you regardless of what happens to my websites.
New sizing system for divosuits are being worked on to accommodate the needs of more users. By using actual measurements in millimeters for divosuit widths instead of using the previous sizes, buyers can get better and more comfortable fits.
New distribution system is in the works to get the products to you faster by selling the products on Amazon. The products may undergo a name change and a more discreet description page to be able to be sold on Amazon, and direct links to the products will be available exclusively by email newsletter. The reason for using Amazon is to reduce my need to ship each order myself, as I quickly become backlogged when I travel and work on other projects. So hopefully the whole shipping process will be faster and with less disruptions.
That's all for now, please bear with me as I go through these changes.
Thank you for reading!
Ronielle out