I have been dormant on this blog for a time, and many of you are messaging me to verify if they can still get divocups and divosuits. Yes! Although I haven't done any new experiments in the penis enlargement field (except on a prototype carbon fiber heating pad that is USB powered), I have continued making packages of divocups and divosuits to ship worldwide. My barebones website is divostore.com and orders can be initiated there.
The urge to write disappeared for a while then came back this week, when I got a sudden surge of chemical penis enlargement consultations. Being quoted of my own writing made me wonder why I stopped writing in the first place, then it hit me: I stopped experimenting on my dick. I focused on easy maintenance to see if I can keep my gains from my chem pe journey.
Using only my divosuit and divocup on a daily basis (I literally cannot not wear it all day long), I stopped jelqing and (topical and injectable) chemicals. I believe that it was sufficient to preserve all my size but more time will tell. The good news is that for those who are going for more size, the divo products can help you keep all your hard work, even for years. I do all the testing myself and wearing even at the moment of this writing.
Thank you to all who have supported me by purchasing my divo products. Don't hesitate to let me know your experience with them!
My friend in Portugal tells me that wearing the divo setup every day makes him feel like he already has greater confidence than before, because of the way his shaft rubs down his leg, a feeling he didn't experience. And that was after a few weeks of use. I remember that feeling of adjustment to the new sensation of a longer member all day long going down my pant leg, safe and comfortable in its own clothes. That feeling is probably why I am addicted to having it on all the time, except at airport security lol. But that is another story for another post!
It's good to be back!