Happy Thanksgiving to my American neighbors!
Just like the rest of the nation, here is a chance to grab a few deals starting today (November 22, 2012) until next Tuesday (November 27, 2012). To place more than one item in your cart, please use your browser's back button to make another selection. Shipping and handling is a flat rate of $12 Canadian, sent by regular mail. Faster shipping is available, which is easily 3-6 times the regular postage rate (please inquire for faster postage after completing your order, as this will speed up the process)
Please use the following paypal buttons to make your purchases with the discount.
This first button is for a Divo Combo, which is for 1 divocup, 1 spandex divosuit and one applicator (there is no applicator for sizes 4 and 5). The regular price is $35 Canadian, now only $30 plus shipping and handling. Notice that there are new colors available (Red, Orange, Dark Green, Dark Brown and Yellow)
The next button is for the divosuit only, where the deal is 2 for the price of 1, and you can select the option of getting an applicator (you only need one, so if you have one already, you probably want just the suits). Perfect for matching colors under swimsuits (as an anti-shrinkage waterproof sleeve), and to rotate your current stock of divosuits for washing, hang-drying, and a change of color. Most long-time users have built up a small collection of divosuits, to reduce washing times to just once a week or so instead of washing the same one several times per week.
And back by popular demand, the $50 sale for the complete set of Divocups (which has all 5 sizes)
Have a happy holiday weekend!
Just like the rest of the nation, here is a chance to grab a few deals starting today (November 22, 2012) until next Tuesday (November 27, 2012). To place more than one item in your cart, please use your browser's back button to make another selection. Shipping and handling is a flat rate of $12 Canadian, sent by regular mail. Faster shipping is available, which is easily 3-6 times the regular postage rate (please inquire for faster postage after completing your order, as this will speed up the process)
Please use the following paypal buttons to make your purchases with the discount.
This first button is for a Divo Combo, which is for 1 divocup, 1 spandex divosuit and one applicator (there is no applicator for sizes 4 and 5). The regular price is $35 Canadian, now only $30 plus shipping and handling. Notice that there are new colors available (Red, Orange, Dark Green, Dark Brown and Yellow)
Divo Combo for only $30 (The minimum recommended starter kit for 24h elongation)
Includes 1 size divocup with venting tube, 1 divosuit and 1 applicator.
The next button is for the divosuit only, where the deal is 2 for the price of 1, and you can select the option of getting an applicator (you only need one, so if you have one already, you probably want just the suits). Perfect for matching colors under swimsuits (as an anti-shrinkage waterproof sleeve), and to rotate your current stock of divosuits for washing, hang-drying, and a change of color. Most long-time users have built up a small collection of divosuits, to reduce washing times to just once a week or so instead of washing the same one several times per week.
And back by popular demand, the $50 sale for the complete set of Divocups (which has all 5 sizes)
Complete Set of 5 sizes of Divocups for $50 Canadian
Flat shipping rate by regular mail is $12 Canadian, and normal shipping times is 2 weeks to the USA, and up to 6 weeks international, and 1 week within Canada.Have a happy holiday weekend!