The Divo family of penis products are meant to be tools for modern penis enlargement (available since 2010). Penis enlargement tools of the past are penis vacuum pumps, elastic stretchers, metal extenders and weights, which have proved to be both dangerous and uncomfortable, as well as inefficient. Those mentioned were not used at all in my penis enlargement endeavors, including penis pills.

I am a big supporter of injectable vasodilators and growth elements, and believe that a broad, multifaceted strategy is necessary for a successful, beautiful enlargement. This means using mechanical, topical and injectable interventions.

Join in the Fun of Penis Enlargement With The Divo Product Line!

With the exception of the Divosleeve (microwaveable shaft compression weight, no longer available), the Divo penis products are designed for 24 hour wear. Lightweight and minimal profile, Divo products provide comfortable elongation in any position (standing, sitting or lying down)using all-around compression. Compression sportswear have been proven to be beneficial to athletes, and the principles have been translated to the penis to create the Divosock now called the Spandex Divosuits (custom-cut shaft compression-wear).

The psychology of wearing the Divocup and Divosuit at all times is complex: increased confidence because the penis is never allowed to shrink, to nervousness in public, because we worry that our bulge will show. Unfortunately, penis enlargement causes observers to become crotch-watchers, which can invite unwanted attention. But with proper wardrobe choices (IE. loose pants), we divocuppers can easily hide our secret until we are feeling a little exhibitionist.As confidence builds, we become proud to sport a beautiful, crowd-pleasing bulge or (for those who just don't care what people think!) a visible penis line going down one leg.

Nothing screams "Masculine" like a well-defined penis bulge. And a flat crotch is so politically correct! I firmly believe that unconsciously (or subconsciously), men with nice crotches that show a hidden massive sex-organ get better treatment, or people being kinder and flirtier (is that a word?).

Growing the penis takes time, so a lifestyle change is often necessary for success (nothing drastic, of course, just dressing a little differently to accommodate a larger penis like loose low crotches). The Divo products are constantly being tested and improved or removed, which is why products are sometimes referred to as prototypes.

The penis come in all shapes and sizes, as well as a full spectrum of foreskin lengths, so not all products will work the same way for all. Fortunately the low price of the products allow a great deal of experimentation, and customer support ( or text message at 514-817-1169) is usually quick should a question/concern arise.

Thank you and enjoy your visit!


Ronielle Buduhan
Penis Tinkerer

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Important Divocup Sizing Information and Free Divocup Offer!

The circumference of your penis in its SMALLEST state is what you need to know when ordering individual divocups. The penis fluctuates constantly during the day, and your cup size should be able stay on as long as your smallest circumference fluctuation is still within its minimum requirements. The proper placement of the measuring tape is about an 1.5" from the penis tip, since this is approximately the place where the rim of the divocup will be when worn.

It is really disappointing to order a cup and find out that it is too big to wear, as well as realizing that your penis can fluctuate to a size smaller divocup. The dreaded air leakage we feel when the cup is about to slip off starts a chain reaction of emotions, none of them good. So to help out my clients who have bought the wrong size cup, I will send them a free divocup with a purchase of 2 divosocks and a divosock applicator, plus the usual shipping and handling of $12. Available only to those who previously bought a size 2 divocup or bigger, and needs a size smaller. This deal does not apply to those who have bought a complete set of divocups. One free divocup per qualifying customer.

This free divocup offer must be mentioned somewhere in the order, or by email/text. I will verify your previous orders to see if you qualify.

This offer is for a limited time only, and is subject to change without notice.

Thank to everyone joining in the worldwide 'Get Hung' experiments! (I made that up as a term for the international penis enlargement community).

In any case, let me know your thoughts! I may use it for future posts!

Ronielle Out

Friday, November 25, 2011

Extension Of Double Divosock Sale

Since guys have enjoyed the sale from last weekend, I have decided to extend it again until this coming monday. Yay!

Some guys are ordering longer divosocks so they can double it over for increased compression. This is a great idea that I thought I should share with my readers! There are many ways to wear your divo gear, so I encourage you to do your own experimentation and let me know about it.

Have a good weekend!

Ronielle Out

Friday, November 18, 2011

Double Divosocks Weekend Sale!

That's right, all divosocks (except temptrol-lined divosocks) are 2 for the price of one, this weekend only! Free divosock will be the same color as the one ordered, so if you buy one of each color, you will get one of each color as the bonus items. I match your order of divosocks color for color.

For many of you building up your collection of divosocks, or those already needing a length upgrade (you know what I mean, as 24h elongation is much more effective than anything for decreasing flaccid length fluctuations), now is the time to take advantage of this limited time offer.

Washing your socks regularly recuperates their compression ability, and more layers worn increase each sock's compression endurance (how many days you can wear them before their compression reduces due to normal wear). So have a little collection of divosocks allows you to always have a clean pair, even when the others are being washed and dried.

Now that the cold is here (at least in Montreal), multiple socks are essential to prevent a cold, shrinking shaft. Guys, if you were waiting for a sale, here it is.

Offer ends this monday, November 21st, 2011, and will not be repeated until next year.

Have fun and stay elongated!


Monday, November 14, 2011

More Compression By Divosock Layering

I never use single divosocks anymore: the compression is light, and I have worked up from medium compression (double layer divosocks) to strong compression (triple layer). It seems that allowing my penis to become accustomed to the compression slowly over the months prepared me for the greater tension that the triple layer has on the centrally located structure of the penis: the septum. Imagine 3 long rubber balloons bundled up: the point of contact between the balloons is similar to the septum, made from double layers of collagen with the ureter going through the middle. Tubular compression causes the septum to straighten under tension, and more compression increases the tension. By adding layers of divosocks, you not only add compressive force in comfortable increments, you also increase the heat retention factor as well (especially when using a temptrol heat reflecting lining layer).

My current experiment is wearing 3 divosocks and a temptrol-lined sock as an outer layer. I feel that my dick gets a little sweaty if too close to the skin, so the 3 layers in between keeps the heat in and allows air circulation. Visually, I love how the multiple layers make my penis look thick and long as if it's in erection; a psychological boost, even if it is just fabric.

On another note, I was having a discussion with another divocupper about visible penis line in pants. He said that he didn't like the fact that the visible penis line was assisted by the divosock because it wasn't 'natural'. I told him that women have been wearing bras that push-up and mould their breasts to look good under clothing for generations to look more attractive, so why couldn't a guy do the same for his body? I suggested that the feminist movement has really castrated guys into thinking that they shouldn't try to look attractive, and to eleiminate as much as possible any sign of a penis in public. Just my opinion, though, and in my experience, guys with visible bulges tend to get better treatment from strangers in general just like large breasted women to. I wish someone would do a study on this!

Back to visible penis lines, mine looks quite obvious in regular pants, which is why I opt for the next waist size up. It kind of sucks, but having a larger penis also has its drawbacks (something I am prepared to live with, though!).

Tighter divocups also provide more elongation through compression than looser cups, so if length is your goal, go for a tighter fit if possible. If you need help fitting into a tight cup, I have instructional videos that address that problem using folder synchronization though the Dropbox service.

Before I finish, the divocup applicator prototype is no longer being sent out for free with each order of divosocks. It must be ordered using the paypal button, and I consider it essential for medium to long divosocks and divosleeves. It is cheap, so pick one up if you are going to place a new order.

Thanks for reading!

Ronielle out  

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Heat Reflecting Divosocks

I am a big fan of energy conservation. This year's experiments with a fabric called "Temptrol" was a great success: I managed to save $40 per month on my heating bill just by lining the exterior walls of the top floor of my home. This Temptrol fabric reflects 95% of heat back to its source with its shiny metallized side, and is also used in insulating winter clothes, footware and gloves (think of "Thinsulate" and you will know what I mean). I finally made a few prototypes of a Temptrol-lined divosock, and all I can say is that my penis loves this heat! Warm, toasty thoughts fill my mind, and mental images of hot hotdogs wrapped in aluminum foil to keep warm sold by street vendors makes me smile. If a sausage can be kept warm, why not with my own weiner?

Food jokes aside, I am now testing a few designs on implementing this rather non-stretchy temptrol to the stretchy divosock. So far the prototypes I have made are designed to be the outermost layer of the divosocks, since the idea of putting the Temptrol against my skin would be too sweaty and uncomfortable. It is usually used as a middle layer in clothing construction.

The only limitation that I can think of is washing: Temptrol is hang-dry only, so the dryer is out of the question. Divosocks are so small that they will dry fast, even faster on a radiator or fan.

Preliminary testing phase is done, I will have them available for testing as prototypes very soon. So far so good!

Ronielle Out

Thanks for reading!

Ronielle out.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Finally, Pictures of Divosocks (Penis Socks!)

The new color, white, is not yet available on the paypal buttons, but you can request it with a note or an email and you will get it!

The clear plastic cylinder on the left is the divosock applicator prototype (DAP), and it will be demonstrated in a video that I am preparing and should be up and running this week.

The size of the socks in the picture is for a number 3 divocup and 7" long. It requires a number 5 DAP. I select the DAP size according to your order, so you always get the right one. DAP's ($10 value) are currently free for those who order more than 2 divosocks, subject to change without notice. 

Stay tuned for the upcoming video demonstrating the DAP and the divosocks!

Ronielle Out